With its recent purchase of Motorola Mobility, Google has suddenly become a giant player in the hardware game. It now has a good selection of cell phones and a tablet—all running Android—to take to market.
Apple's secret weapon (aside from its ecosystem) is its prized Apple store: a nice, comfy, non-threatening, environment where you can ogle the shiniest new goodies from Cupertino and even buy them, provided you have enough cash or plastic.
What if Google took a page from Apple's playbook and opened up an Android store? Not only could it carry the latest Motorola products, but also products from its other Android partners including HTC, Samsung, Acer, Asus, Sony Ericcson, et al. It could partner with Amazon to sell gift cards good for music and Android software purchases. What a concept!
Not only would they be able to demonstrate their support for their Android partners, they would be able to manage the Android retail presentation and user experience. With big box stores shuttering and downsizing, this could give Android a much needed boost as it goes up against the mighty Goliath called Apple.