Well, the folks at Xara finally turned it up to 11! With the introduction of version 11 of their Web Designer program, they have taken an already solid program up another full notch.
The first question that anyone would probably ask is: Who needs a web design program in the age of cookie cutter web site creation tools? The answer should be obvious. Anyone who desires to produce websites that stand out from the rest of the pack.
While anyone can produce a simple website with very little time or effort these days using online web authoring tools, if you want to produce a website to customize to your heart's content, look no further that Xara Web Designer 11 Premium.
New features in Web Designer 11 Premium include:
Sticky Objects: These are objects that stay put as the user scrolls to other parts of a page.
Text Handling Enhancements: Enhancements include custom abbreviation expansion, automatic URL creation, a text background color option for highlighting words, and much more.
New Object Animation Features: New features include animate on mouse-over, animate on click and animate on reveal.
Document Sync with Google Drive and Drop Box: This is a welcome feature for those working on multiple computers. Older versions of files are also saved and can be reverted to easily.
Slideshow Widget: You can create slideshows using TaskPilot.
New Templates: To get you going quickly, there are more than 30 new general website themes, including mobile variants.
TaskPilot "Website M" Hosting: 12 months (2GB of storage and one domain name) included free.
Other Features: They include SFTP and FTPS secure upload options, PDF import, Word import improvements and export support for Apple Retina files.
In use, the program maintains its clean and ergonomic interface. If you have used previous versions of the program, you will be up and running with little time or trouble. As someone who has used Xara for almost 20 years, just about all the features are programmed into my head. Xara products have become my "go to" graphics tools.
Web Designer 11 Premium sells for a very affordable $99.99 US. A slimmed-down regular version is only $49.99 US.
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